Introducing LucenceINSIGHT™

LucenceINSIGHT™ is a multi-cancer earlydetection (MCED) tool that screens for thecirculating tumor DNA (ctDNA) of up to 50cancers in one simple blood draw.

It leverages proprietary technology to amplify and identify signs of ctDNA and viruses in the bloodstream. The advanced sequencing analysis predicts signal localization.
The result is cross examined with machine-learning to study the cancer signal profile. Utilizing data from the analysis, the test reports a presence or absence of a cancer signal. A localization signal is also derived and used to predict up to 2 sites where the cancer signal might have originated from (“Predicted Signal Localization”). The report will present the result as Predicted Signal Localization, with an accuracy of 88%.
AmpliMarkTM Upgrade (Lucence Mirror Barcodes)
Lucence's ultrasensitive amplicon-based enrichment chemistry offers high sensitivity and specificity for sequencing circulating tumor DNA, with low error rate achieved through mirror barcoding.
How does it work?
LucenceINSIGHT™ is based on a proprietary amplicon-based technology to screen for the signal of cancer with a specificity of 99.2%.
The test detects cancer-associated alterations circulating in blood. Advanced sequence analysis predicts the site of origin. The report will present your result as Areas of Concern, with an accuracy of 90%.
LucenceINSIGHTTM screens for cancer withlow false positives compared to tumormarker proteins.

A report is generated in 12 or 18 working days.

Why screen for cancer early?
1. Early Detection Leads to Better Outcomes
2. Cancer is the number 1 killer.1

3. 4 in 5 cancer deaths are not covered by recommended screening.3,4

4. 5-year survival is higher with early detection.5

Who is it recommended for?
LucenceINSIGHT™ is recommended in conjunction with existing screening tools for:
- Individuals aged 40 and above who are not pregnant and without a history of cancer in the past 3 years.
- Individuals with an elevated risk of cancer (e.g. family history of cancer, diet, lifestyle etc).
LucenceINSIGHT™ is recommended for use in conjunction with existing screening tools for individuals without a personal history of cancer.
The test is NOT recommended for patients who:
- are pregnant
- are in cancer remission for < 3 years
- had an allogenic bone transplant or a blood transfusion < 2 weeks prior to sample collection
No fasting is needed. Refrain from heavy meals.
Real-world Evidence of LucenceINSIGHT™

Retrospective study shown at ASCO 2023:
- Reasonable sensitivity and specificity for detection
- Improved tumor of origin prediction accuracy

Real-world experience shown at ESMO Asia 2023:
- All positive findings confirmed as neoplasms subsequently
- Majority of detected cases not covered by traditional screening guidelines